Pushing Manchester United to the forefront of innovation, the football team has launched a state-of-the-art digital platform, the United Xperience. Powered by HCL, the club’s first free to download direct-to-consumer app marks the next wave of digital revolution arriving at the sporting arena.
The United Xperience brings forward a uniquely rich, interactive experience, enhancing the element of human connectivity in real time, over an integrated, secure, and scalable platform. The platform will connect fans worldwide through visuals, stats, scores, and more, transforming the experience of the Club’s 659 million global followers.
As Manchester United and HCL clear a path for others in the sporting, gaming, and recreation fields to utilize technology, a wave of forward-thinking digital initiatives is on the horizon. Legacy organizations are placing more emphasis in choosing the right implementation partners, in an effort to attain sustainable results across the rapidly evolving digital landscape. And as industries approach digital singularity, global enterprises on a similar path will take their cues from the success HCL and Manchester United have achieved, one fan at a time.